Effects of the use of bioceramic wraps in patients with lower limb venous ulcers

Effects of the use of bioceramic wraps in patients with lower limb venous ulcers

Herr et al, 2019 [randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study; n= 24; male and female; mean age of 68.1±12.2] aimed to investigate the treatment benefits of farinfrared ceramic (FIRc), in a 90-day study of lower limb venous ulcers and looked at ulcer healing scores, quality of life, serum biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense enzymes. All patients received a kit of materials to make their own ulcer dressings at home, which included: a bottle containing essential fatty acids (Dersani®), gauze, bandage, plaster, physiological saline solution at 0.9%, as well as instructions on the storage and transportation of the products. All patients were asked to use the dressing twice a day and were instructed on how to properly use the elastic stockings (with compression of 20 to 30 mmHg) and the wraps with or without FIRc. The wrap was sized for each patient, and patients were instructed to put the wraps on the leg with venous ulcer at bedtime or at 10 pm (whichever came first) and remove them upon waking in the morning, for 90 days. The wraps of the two groups were identical, and it was not possible to distinguish between them visually, by sensory systems and other aspects. It was observed that FIRc decreased the ulcer size on day 30 and 90, and the total ulcer healing scale scores on day 30 and 90 of the treatment, when compared to baseline. Additionally, FIRc improved tissue type (epithelial tissue) on day 60 when compared to baseline evaluation. However, the FIRc group showed no significant difference when compared to the control group. Adversely, FIRc did not affect the amount of ulcer exudate, the quality-of-life score, oxidative damage markers or the antioxidant defense enzymes of the patients. Thus, authors concluded that this adjuvant treatment may be a possible intervention in clinical practice, although additional studies are necessary to better assess FIRc effects upon ulcer healing.
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  • Herr GG, da Silva FG, Cidral-Filho FJ, Petronilho F, Danielski LG, de Souza Goldim, et al. Effects of the use of bioceramic wraps in patients with lower limb venous ulcers: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.

    J Integr Med. 2020;

    18(1):26-34. Available at: doi:10.1016/j.joim.2019.11.006