Reduction in pain after use of bioceramic undershirt for patients with fibromyalgia
Santos e Campos et al, 2017 [randomized, controlled pilot study; n = 39; female; mean age of 51.51±11.66] aimed to determine the benefits of a fabric coated with bioceramics for reducing pain in women with Fibromyalgia (FM). Participants in the experimental group wore a shirt impregnated with bioceramics, whereas the shirt fot the placebo (control group) did not have bioceramics. Both groups wore the shirts for 8 h/d for 60 days. The authors observed that postintervention, the women in the experimental group showed a significant reduction in pain as well as a significant reduction in FM symptoms. Therefore, it was concluded that regular use of garments impregnated with a bioceramic solution (1%) can be beneficial in reducing pain and the impact of FM for patients. The low cost and comfort of the clothing made the therapy easy to be applied as a complementary tool in the treatment of FM.