The effect of grounding the human body on mood.

The effect of grounding the human body on mood.

Chevalier, 2015 [double-blind, pilot study, n= 29, male and female, mean age of 52.5] aimed to assess if Earthing improves mood. The intervention consisted of subjects relaxing in a comfortable recliner chair equipped with a conductive pillow, mat, and patches connecting them to the ground for 1 hour. The Brief Mood Introspection Scale was applied before and after the procedure. The authors concluded that grounding improves measurements of mood (increase in Pleasant– Unpleasant mood scale, indicating a more pleasant experience; increase in the Positive–Tired mood scale, meaning feeling less tired and more positive; decrease in the Negative–Relaxed mood scale, becoming less negative and more relaxed), suggesting a potential positive effect on health.
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  • Chevalier G. The effect of grounding the human body on mood.

    Psychol Rep.2015;

    116(2):534–542. Available at: doi:10.2466/06.pr0.116k21w5