The effects of electrical stimulation of normal abductor digiti quinti on strength
Goonan et al, 1985 [pilot study; n= 8; male and female; from 21 to 63 years old] aimed to investigate the effectiveness of electrical stimulation in strengthening normal abductor digiti quinti muscle (AbDQ). One group of healthy subjects received IES with an on-off time ratio of 1:3, while another group received IES with an on-off ratio of 1:2. The control group was the nonelectrically stimulated foot of each participant. Each subject received 20 treatments of IES of 1 hour duration, 5 days a week for 4 weeks. A fourchannel POWER STlM (MBI Inc., 141 South Central Ave., Hartsdale, NY 10530) electronic stimulator was utilized to provide the treatment. The unit, when stimulating a subject, has a peak pulse voltage of up to 80 volts providing an output current intensity of 60 mA delivered in an alternating wave form for 200 microseconds in a rise to peak time of 10 microseconds with a frequency of 72 Hz. It was observed that at the conclusion of the 20 sessions, significant improvements (P < 0.0 1) in functional strength were noted in the stimulated groups (117.9%); whereas the control group improved 9.9%. The data demonstrated that IES produced increases in the functional strength of the AbDQ muscle.